Earth Day was on Thursday April 22nd, but the Corona team didn’t wait until then to turn into the ECOrona team – instead, we spent the whole month aiming to help the planet, and our own health, by setting the challenge to do various good deeds, to walk as much as possible, and to donate to environmentally-aware charities.
Let’s take a look at what we managed over the course of the month!
Total walked distance: 2316.425 km
Most km/day: 137.93 km on April 18th
Most km/day/person: 51.11 on April 18th
Most km/month/person: 333.08 km
Average distance/day/person: 4.15 km
Good deeds
Good deeds in total: 615
Most good deeds/day: 29 on March 27th
Most good deeds/day/person: 8 on March 27th and April 3rd
Most good deeds/month/person: 166
Most common good deeds: eco cleaning, cosmetics, recycling
Most unusual good deed: earthworm tea, and actually a lot of people switched to meatless diet for the month
In the end we totalled up the good deeds done and miles walked to come up with a final score for everyone on the team – and our congratulations go to the top three who set some truly amazing standard for us to aim for next year!
1st place Tomáš Nováček with 420.08 points
2nd place Rowan Manns with 263.36 points
3rd place Baudouin Feildel with 249.975 points
Well done to them, and to all the team for taking part!

At the end of the month, we had managed to collect 87,856 CZK in total from the team members, and the company will then match that with the same amount.
The money will be split between these great projects:
NaOvoce is a community platform for those who want to use freely available natural resources responsibly.
Plant for the Planet is a global organization that plant trees to fight climate change, their goal is to plant 1 Trillion trees – with 13million already planted!
Zachraň jídlo campaign against food wastage, they aim to save misshapen or otherwise imperfect food which wouldn’t be sold and pass it on to those in need.
Čistý les (part of For4est) clean forests (amongst other places) as well as educating people, especially children, towards ecological and sustainable thinking.
Život bez krutosti shelter abused farm animals or animals saved from factory farming, they also protect animal rights and the education of people on all these matters.

Earth Day
On Earth Day itself, we all had a virtual get-together to participate in some eco-themed quizzes and activities and to announce the winners we saw above.
Everyone agreed that this was such an amazing experience that we aim to make it into a yearly tradition – so let’s see what we can achieve next year!
If you want to tell us what you did for Earth Day, feel free to comment below. Here’s to keeping ourselves, and our home planet, healthy!
Best regards,
The ECOrona Team
Na Ovoce: www.na-ovoce.cz
Plant for the Planet: www1.plant-for-the-planet.org
Zachraň jídlo: www.zachranjidlo.cz/en/
Čistý les: www.cistyles.cz
Život bez krutosti: www.zivotbezkrutosti.cz/