As you know, we are currently on the look out for new C++ Developers (see our jobs page for more details!) As part of that ongoing search, we recently attended the JobsDev fair in Prague. As well as sharing details of our open positions, we also made sure the attendees had fun with a “Real or Render” game – you can read more about the fair, and see the images we used in the game in this edition of the blog!
Read about the Jobs Dev fair, and see the Real Or Render results!
The Fair
It was great being at the Jobs Dev 2018 fair and getting to meet you all!

If you weren’t able to attend the fair and are interested in applying for our open C++ Developer or Senior C++ Developer positions, head on over to our jobs page!
Real or Render
The winner of the game was Jakub Stol, congratulations Jakub! No-one got the maximum of 20 points, but he came close with 18 correct.
Below are the complete set of renders and photos that we used in the game. Would you have got it right in telling which is real, and which was a render? Our thanks to the artists who gave us permission to include their work!
(For those who submitted work for us to use that is not shown here, we have future versions of the game planned and your work may be used then – we’ll keep you updated, and our thanks for sending in your work to us!)
Peter Guthrie

Robert Bodis

Sergiu Zboras from Walk The Room

Sergey Poltavskiy

(Of course, the credits in the images were not shown during the game!)

Thanks to those who attended, those who played the game, those who gave permission for their photos and renders to be used – and with luck we’ll be welcoming some new employees to our offices soon!