Version 1.0 Sneak Peek: Interactive Rendering

As version 1.0 for 3dsmax is behind the corner, we have decided to post a series of articles showing new functions & features which you can expect.

I have prepared a longer video showing Interactive capabilities of Corona Renderer in combination with our CoronaScatter (old version) which comes for free with the renderer.

The video shows two demo scenes. First one is the all-time favorite demo for GPU renderers – a car lit with HDRi, but I decided to do it with a little spin. The second one is a more realistic scenario which you will encounter in archviz – non-proxied vegetation which uses opacity maps, the multitexture plugin in diffuse, translucency, and bump mapping.
The car scene was kindly provided by  Ludvík Koutný, and the tree model by Juraj Talcik from TD Visual.


Corona Interactive + Scatter


Bonus video: turning it up to 11: Corona Interactive – extreme polycount test (5.5 Trillion polygons)

Corona Interactive Facts

  • Runs on CPU (No special HW needed)
  • Shares over 99.9% of code with standard Corona Renderer (ie. same render engine)
  • Same results as the final frame rendering (What you see is what you get )
  • Same set of features as standard Corona Renderer (geometry, proxies, motion blur, dof…)
  • All 3ds max maps and 3rd party maps are supported
  • Truly interactive (Change materials, lights, geometry while rendering, no need to restart interactive mode)
  • It is bundled for FREE!


Hardware Used in Demo

First video  – intel i7 4930k 3.4Ghz, 32GB RAM
Second video – intel i7 2600k – 3.4GHz, 16GB RAM

Let us know what you think.

Adam & Ondra

36 thoughts on “Version 1.0 Sneak Peek: Interactive Rendering

  1. Corona is an excellent render engine.. i discover few weeks ago, and now it’s in our production pipeline, and the new realtime functionality seems reeeeeealy cool…good job!

    Ciao from Italy!

  2. Looks very nice. You guys are making a wonderful job.

    But i would be better (in my opinion) to show the true power of the interactive rendering to run it in an interior scene with lots of non-instanced geometry (refractive and reflective ones), so we can check how it performs with lots of light bounces and millions of polys.

    1. Hey Chris,
      ok, I will do that once we will have a bit more time. The reason why I did this video, that GPU renderers show the cars all the time as something amazing. And it is really easy to do as well on CPU. Iwill create another video in interior as you suggest. It will go slower as there will be more bounces, but I think that it will be still good enough for work and whole purpose of interactive rendering

  3. Thank you! 🙂
    This is one of the most important features and it looks like this will be one of the best interactive render solution on the market.
    Really funny video presentation:)

  4. Great job guys.
    I just have one question
    How do i have continuous rendering in Cinema 4D?

    thanks in advance

  5. I just started using your render engine a few weeks ago and this is the most amazing this so far; Real Time rendering on CPU!

    This is much more cost efficient than GPU RT rendering (and more power efficient too). And this one has no GPU RAM limitations to deal with.

    Thank you guys for all your efforts.

  6. Hi,
    3DSmax 2015 supports rendering of point clouds. We really need heavy 3D scans of our projects, so if it’s not already there, do you have a plan for point clouds or OpenVDB support ?

  7. Hi,

    Just Fantastic.
    But I’ve still one or two questions :
    Is it possible to use Interactive Rendering in the VFB, ’cause I’m not fan of the quad view system and as many of us, I use two screens..
    And on the other hand, is it possible to lock the view in the Interactive Rendering ?
    Otherwise, it’s very (VERY,…) great !! Keep on Corona Team, you’re the best and me I can’t wait the commercial version (for my part it will be the SAAS !!)

    1. Yes&yes 😉
      You can start interactive rendering in corona VFB in the main settings menu, and you can lock the view by locking the render viewport in 3dsmax render menu

  8. Is the render engine just instancing the cars into a cache ? There should be other demo available then just a sea of cars.

    I’m in the process of choosing a render engine, I’ve already narrowed down my choices, next is the decision so your render engine comes at the right time, but can is persuade me from my current choices, and is it available for Maya ?

  9. is this gona change all v-ray library ( material – light – camera ) ?

    And ty for this great discovery .. keep’t up guys 😀

  10. Ahojte. Chcel by som sa spýtať, či máte nejaké skúsensoti s Coronou na AMD platforme ? Viem že niektoré rendrovacie pluginy nevedia pracovať s procesormi od AMD… tak sa pýtam či Corona vie naplno využit svoj potenciál aj tu. Ďakujem veľmi pekne, s pozdravom Patrik

    1. akože pýtam sa z toho dôvodu , že si skladám nový PC a plánujem svoju zostavu založiť na osemjadre AMD (FX) a zrovna som v takom štádiu že by som sa rad naučil nejaký novú vecna renderovanie tak či môžem aj na AMD rátať s vašim pluginom 🙂 V ďaka

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