While we are finishing the Corona for 3ds Max 1.1 release, we have decided to publish another Cinema 4D plugin version. This is a quick update that brings many small, but highly useful features, before some of the larger issues (interactive rendering, Mac support) are addressed. You can download the installer for Cinema4D R14/R15/R16 here.
Major Changes
- Added new Corona materials (advanced light emitter: LightMtl, advanced volumetric material: VolumeMtl)
- Added new shaders (ambient occlusion: AoShader, geometry edge/vertex shader: WireShader)
- Enhanced Corona Material (added SSS support, absorption shader)
- IES light support
- Improved standard C4D materials support
- Added basic support for Non-Corona materials (e. g. Banzi, Cheen)
- Added Corona VFB (experimental)
Minor Changes
- Delayed license check until Corona is actually used (no licensing popups until Corona is used for rendering)
- Support for manual license activation/deactivation
- Added possibility to set ZDepth pass from camera clipping
- Added support for global volume material
- Minor improvements in displacement (water level, support for negative values)
Main Bug Fixes:
- Fixes in Corona Light (“Occlude other lights” option)
- Fixes in material preview in viewport
- Fixed colormapping sometimes applied to material previews
- Gamma correction is no longer applied to displacement color/texture
- Fixed crashes when rendering immediately after material preview started
Note about Non-Corona materials
Corona for C4D now supports some of non-Corona materials (e. g. Banzi). You can either let Corona handle those automatically by setting “Convert all materials” in render settings or use the new material “External” which allows additional configuration for each material.
Plugin will try to convert all materials (including the ones from other plugins), but some of materials might not be rendered correctly. For example, the reflectance is not handled too well yet – you can expect improvements in next releases…
Good job guys! Waiting for IR and OSX support.. gogogogo 🙂
Thank you!
This is amazing. I have to admit the skin is nice. The only issues I would say is since I use daz models there are seams that you can see that turn green. Arnold render does that and so does keyshot I know many people alwbo like megabit but don’t use it for people renders cause if the seam issue they have. So a suggestion is making more like vray or any other renderer that has sss make it based on the object lest then sections off the material if that makes sense???? Cause that seam issue for sss maybe be a downfall for people that have characters with different parts of the body that don’t use 1 material for the whole body since having textures by section of the body like head torso limbs or head and body helps have more control over quality. So it would suck to see a seam in seperate objects that are technically one full mesh just different parts Cause of the texture or material parts…..aha. head hurts now lol
This is awesome.. but PLEASE develop an OS X release!!
Team render and i will buy
How come you guys have no youtube tutes, that will tripple your audience
We have some here: https://www.youtube.com/user/CoronaRenderer
How release corona c4d for mac?
please can you fix the opacity channel or add an alpha channel
we also need hair and fur support