State Of Art Academy Day #5
Friendship. That is probably the best word to describe this event. That was something what was clearly visible everywhere you looked. And I had the opportunity to experience it twice as a speaker. During Academy Day #3 as an lecturing artist and this year as “representative” of our Corona Renderer. But main part of Corona presentation was done by the creative duo from TD-Visual – Juraj Talčík & Veronika Demovičová.
Without their extensive help, expertise and superb works our Corona presentation would not be possible. So I would like to express my thanks once again here. Díky moc!
For those of you do not know what SOA Academy Day is, I will use the official line:
“A two day workshop for professionals and passionate architectural visualization artists.”
But for me it was more about meeting people, friends, “converting” virtual friends to real ones and meeting new and old Coronauts:) It was simply amazing experience as always.
My Personal Highlights
MIR presentation. As an artist I have always admired their work and tried to imagine where their passion and inspiration comes from. Now I kind of have a clearer image. Both their presentations were full of insights into their creative minds. I kind of missed the opportunity to say “hi” in person, but for me it would be like being teenage girl meeting Backstreet Boys So I rather keep this one for the future, once I will mature enough.
SOA Guys. It was nice to meet my dear friends and re-live the the days of my first SOA Academy Day. We will be closer in touch with whole SOA team and next year will bring couple of surprises. So stay tuned.
Juraj & Veronika. It is always pleasure to meet them in person. Great artists and great friends. Thank you once again.
Thomas Vournazos, Eduard Caliman & Luca Bruno Guareschi – Each one of you is great person, artist & friend. It was great to hang out around you and having long conversation about rendering, movies & life.
Competitor’s presentations. Thank you for the presentations, it was some food for thought.

Corona Presentation
As you might know, I have revealed new features and technology which will be available in Corona Renderer 1.0 for 3ds max, and I have also shared prices and release date. I will write a separate blog post about this. Starting with license policy and prices. You can expect new article later and many more to follow describing new functions of Corona Renderer.
All in all I think that our presentation went well, but I am not one to judge. Let me know what do you think. (Try not to spoil the surprise of the prices and license policy please)
Thanks to all of you who attended, presented, organized and made this event possible. And thank you Coronauts for constantly supporting us and pushing us forward.
Please make this license policy and pricing public ASAP!
we will, tomorrow
It has been awesome seeing you again Adam. Same thoughts pass through my ( tired mostly) mind the last two days. Amazing experience and surely amazing simple people.
So till next time ( like tomorrow or so!! ) have fun and finish up those USB flashs!!!!
I am still copying flash drives:) haha