We wanted to share a quick preview of some of the features that are already in the daily build of Corona Renderer 1.6 as of February 2017.
(Visit here if you want to try out these features in the Daily Builds for yourself!)
Read about what is the current Daily Build!
New improved Random Sampler
This gives significantly reduced noise in the same time limit, as seen in the comparisons below:
Improved Sampling for HDRIs with High Dynamic Contrast
As well as the improvement from a new random sampling algorithm, sampling has also been improved for HDRIs with high dynamic contrast (for example, those with a bright sun). This allows renders to clean up faster.
The animated GIF below compares the time taken for 1.52 and 1.6 to render to a 15% noise limit (using the new Random Sampler in 1.6 would have resulted in an even greater speed increase in 1.6).
Improved Distributed Rendering
Corona Distributed Rendering (DR) has been improved, although this is still in progress and the version in the Daily Build is experimental – keep that in mind if you use Corona DR in a production setting.
Current improvements include that 3ds Max is spawned on slaves as soon as the DR Server starts, slaves now gather missing assets from the master and cache them locally, Adaptivity now works with DR, and slaves now respect VFB regions.
Also, a new interface for both the master and the slave machines shows more information:

New VFB Layout
Changes to the VFB will allow you to enable or disable Tone Mapping, LUTs, and other options using a simple checkbox, plus the tools are now in their own roll-outs:
LightMix Checkboxes
This makes it easier than ever to enable or disable a particular light or group of lights via a simple checkbox:
Copy LightMix Settings to Scene Lights
Still in development in the current Daily Build (so not yet fully functional if you want to test it), the “>Scene” option lets you copy adjustments made using the LightMix into the scene lights.
Improved Round Edges
The Round Edges map now gives even better results, more closely matching modeled bevels:
Improved CoronaMix to CoronaMtl Bump Channel
CoronaMix is now fully evaluated before the result is sent to the Bump channel in a Corona Material. This allows for more advanced options in creating bump maps. Below is a material using CoronaMix in the bump channel:
And the rendering results 1.52, where the Mix is ignored, and 1.6, where the Mix is processed first:
Frequency Spinners in Corona Multimap
The new Frequency settings in the Corona Multimap let you easily adjust the balance of colours in the result:
Triplanar Mapping
Triplanar Mapping (sometimes called box mapping) allows a quick and easy way to apply a UV Map to a complex object without having to explicitly unwrap it:
Sharpen / Blur Control
The VFB now features an in-built Sharpen / Blur control – values of greater than 0 will sharpen the image, while those less than 0 will blur the image, with an adjustable Radius parameter:
Improved Vignettte
The Vignette effect has been improved – it is now applied before other tone mapping options, resulting in an improved and more dynamic look:
Lens Distortion Support
Support has been added for the Lens Distortion effects in the 3ds Max Physical Camera:
Stereo Camera
It is now possible to create conventional side-by-side (SBS) stereo images and animations. These are not panoramic/ 360, and can be viewed on YouTube, stereo monitors and TVs, etc.
The VFB now features Curves to adjust the look of your final image. You can edit all channels at once, or edit Red, Green and Blue independently, and can use spline or linear points. The settings for the Curve editor can also be saved and loaded so that you can easily store and recall different settings.
Soft Render Regions
It is now possible to soften / feather render regions, and each render region can have its own soften / feather adjustments. To adjust the softness of a render region, hold CTRL and click and drag on the edge of the region to expand the area which will be feathered.
Prevent Black Appearance of Lights with Directionality
A new checkbox allows you to prevent light sources from appearing black when their Directionality is increased. While it is physically realistic that they would appear black when their Directionality means the light would not reach the camera, it can be an undesired effect, and that is why it can now be disabled. By default, lights will have “Prevent black appearance” enabled when created.
LUTs do not Clamp the Final Image
In 1.5, applying a LUT would clamp the saved image into the 8-bit RGB range. This no longer occurs in 1.6, allowing you to save 32-bit images that preserve the full dynamic range when a LUT has been applied. This will be most noticeable when working with the image in post-production.
The example below shows the difference between 1.52 and 1.6 with a black & white LUT applied in the Corona VFB and the result saved to 32-bit EXRs, and then an Exposure adjustment made in Photoshop:
2D Pan & Zoom
1.6 supports the 3ds Max native 2D Pan & Zoom functionality which lets you zoom in and move around an image without affecting the position of your rendering camera or viewport. This is ideal for tweaking materials or working on small details.
Rendering Focus on Zoom in Interactive
During Interactive Rendering, if you zoom in on the image, all processing is focused only on the zoomed area, and rendering is suspended for anything not seen in the zoomed view, allowing the zoomed area to clean up faster. (Note: this does not affect final renders of course).
Support for Mirror Ball and Cross modes in Corona Bitmap
Corona Bitmap now supports Mirror Ball and Cross modes, which expands the range of images you can use for environment maps.
Rendering progress now shown on the taskbar
Now you can keep an eye on your render progress while browsing the web or working on something else, as the 3ds Max entry on the taskbar will show the rendering progress:
Bloom & Glare on 360 panoramic / VR images
Bloom & Glare has been improved for 360 panoramic / VR images, removing the seams that used to occur in 1.5 – note how 1.6 correctly adds the glare to the left of the image, since the image wraps around in VR:
LUT and Bloom & Glare Speedup
Caching recently used LUTs and improvements to the Bloom & Glare processing gives better performance when using these features.
VFB Regions are now saved with the scene
If you create VFB render regions and save your scene, next time you load the scene those regions will be automatically restored and ready to use.
Reduced Memory Requirements
Corona now uses less memory.
Information on daily builds:
Corona for 3ds Max Roadmap:
1.6 Daily Build Forum Thread:
Full 1.6 Daily Build Changelog:
Nice Set of features!! 🙂
Thanks! We’ll have even more in the final 1.6 release!
I am very happy!
Love the progress with this renderer! Really looking forward to this release!
Thank you. We are looking forward to amazing works made with it!
Add Deadline support please :S
Hi, Corona 1.5.2 should work fine with Deadline. There are some minor issues such as CEXR format support, but other than that they should mesh smoothly. In case of any troubles with Deadline, please contact either our support (support@corona-renderer.com), or Deadline directly.
Amazing !! just keep it up guys ! Job well done
Thanks! We’re doing our best to make Corona awesome, but we also need criticism and bug reports! 🙂
Great job guys!! Hope to see the retail release of Corona for C4D soon!!!
Love it!
– Shawn
Hi, we don’t have a release date for C4D version yet, but you are welcome to track the progress here: https://trello.com/b/dgI8vjDb/corona-road-map-cinema-4d
It will be eventually announced.
External LightMix Viewer will be great 😀
Hi, if you mean the standalone application for handling Corona renders, then we have to wait a bit more for it.
If you mean an external viewer for LightMix only – so that you could send LightMix results to a client for example, and he could play with various lighting configurations – we have received such feature request already, and we will definitely consider it!
Great Render **
Nice improvements so far, but what you guys are doing to speedup animation rendering like vray ? Will we get new updateds ? I recently switched from v-ray to corona .. and its pretty awesome in still images .. workes much better while balancing lighting rather then v-ray.. i am hoping corona guys will do something to speed up animation rendering too.
Hi Jay, animation rendering should not differ much from still rendering, so you should be getting reasonable render times. One thing to remember is to use UHD Cache in correct way to speed up animation rendering: https://coronarenderer.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/5000515648
If you are having some specific issues when rendering animations with Corona, you are welcome to report them to support@corona-renderer.com – we would then do our best to provide you with help, or see if there is anything we could improve in Corona.
Great update!!
I was waiting for the interactive zoom for a while! Really useful feature.
What I miss in corona are some light features that would give us more artistic freedom. Although it looks like going in the opposite direction of PBR, some times this kind of control when we do jobs that have no intention to be realistic is very important.
For example if I want to exclude some light from the reflection, refraction or diffuse of a specific object, I can’t do it.
Or if I would like to exclude a light from casting shadow on a specific object I can’t do it either. Only illumination is available.
V-ray has some features that let me freer to work in this way, but I definitely prefer corona now.
To summarize, if you could add a visible in diffuse, and on the side of each “visible” check-boxes we could have a list of objects where you can choose where it should happen, it would be fantastic.
Anyway, congratulations for the fantastic work you are doing.
Hi, indeed, we are generally focused on realism and physical accuracy, that’s why such “fakes” are scarce in Corona, but you are welcome to report any feature requests either on our forum (https://corona-renderer.com/forum/index.php/board,5.0.html), or Mantis (https://corona-renderer.com/bugs), and our developers will consider adding them.