Category Archives: VR

Recent Spaces and theViewer – animated photorealistic VR

Recent Spaces spoke with us to give a breakdown of how they are adding animation and interactivity to pre-rendered VR thanks to development work they’ve done along with theViewer, to bridge the choice between photorealism and immersion. As part of that, they’ve been taking advantage of Corona Renderer’s compatibility with Phoenix FD too!

Corona Renderer Recent Spaces theConstruct, standard render of Lake ATX Great Room scene
One of the main still CGIs of the scene, with fire, fans and lake to be animated in VR

Read about photoreal VR with animation!
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Behind the scenes at animation studio, Stratostorm

Stratostorm was founded in December 2014 and is an independently-owned creative production studio, specializing in Visual Effects, 3D Animation and Compositing, with offices in São Paulo and Los Angeles. We spoke with Founder and Exectutive Producer & Business Development, Helena Hilario, to learn more about Stratostorm and their work.

Esquadrão Anticáries | Molar from StratoStorm.

Read about Stratostorm, and how they use Corona Renderer for their animations!

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CoronaVR July update

Seaford Court by Recent Spaces
Seaford Court by Recent Spaces

There have been quite a few changes to CoronaVR recently, including:

– The ability to link CoronaVR to your Google Drive for easy synchronization of images between your PC and mobile device
– So that you can easily choose to sync either or both versions of the app to GoogleDrive, the Gear VR version of the app has been renamed to “Corona GearVR” (the Android version keeps the same name “Corona VR”)
– The ability to add an icon to run the Corona GearVR version right from your mobile device desktop
– The Corona VrWarp helper object in 3ds Max to create walk-throughs without using any external software
– Improvements in image quality and performance

Full details below!

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