Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D, Beta 2, Release Candidate 1 Released!

Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D Beta 2 RC 1 released

We are pleased to announce that the Release Candidate 1 for Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D, Beta 2 is out now!

The long-awaited Corona node material system has finally been implemented, but that’s not all – we also managed to implement other interesting features such as the scene converter and hair rendering support (Note: the Corona Hair Material can be used to control the look of the hair, but to use the frizz or curl parameters, the Cinema Hair Material must be used together with the Corona one – this will be improved in the first daily builds after the Beta 2 stable release).

We also did some rewriting of the internals, for example to bring more stability to motion blur, and we removed the flipping of the Y and Z axis to make fixing bugs easier in the future.


If you want to get straight to the download, you will find the latest version at:

Download Beta 2 RC 1 from the Google Drive

Read what’s new!


  • Support for Cinema 4D R20 added
  • Corona node material system has been implemented
  • Scene converter (V-Ray and Cinema 4D/implicit and explicit) added
  • Added a lot of new shaders (shared, triplanar, UVW randomizer, color correct, tonemap control)
  • Skin material added
  • Hair rendering now supported (hair object support + Corona Hair Material, and partial support for the Cinema hair material)
  • Team render now supports denoising and noise and time limit
  • Material previews are more responsive now
  • New motion blur implementation (better support for simulations and much more stable)
  • Added advanced camera/bokeh effects
  • Corona context help dialog has been implemented (we are gradually adding links to specific articles for the individual UI elements)
  • Processors without SSE4.1 are not supported anymore (this is a change to the Corona core, so the same has been true for 3ds Max for some time; this will only affect processors more than 10 years old)

And of course there have been a great many bug fixes too.



Please test the Release Candidate and report any bugs, which will let us ensure that everything is stable and working as intended. You can report bugs to us on our support portal or on the forum.

Once thorough testing and fixing of any issues is complete, we will release the final version of Beta 2.

Thanks to all our users for your patience and help with testing the daily builds!
Nik, Ales, Cestmir, Dmitrij, and all of the Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D team

38 thoughts on “Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D, Beta 2, Release Candidate 1 Released!

  1. Just playing with Corona for 2 weeks, I already love this renderer!

    Thank you for your fantastic work!

    1. Glad you are enjoying it, and ty for the feedback! “We make rendering fun again” is something we really believe is true 🙂 Cheers! Tom

  2. I love this renderer. Been playing with it for a year or so now and it produces the most beautiful renders I’ve ever seen out of Cinema and blazing fast too for a CPU engine. Not only that but by far (and I mean by a long, long way) the best integrated 3rd party renderer for Cinema available. Excellent work guy’s and congrats on the release!

  3. Google Drive checks viruses for a very long time, because of this it is impossible to download the installer. You would all help if you hid the installer in the archive, without checking for viruses. rar or 7z

    1. This one must be an issue on the Google side of things – trying the download again should work. From my own tests, first time it timed out on the virus check, second time it downloaded normally. I can only assume this is due to the demand with the newly-announced version being downloaded so much, so I expect issues should clear up soon! If they continue, we’ll investigate with Google. Thanks for reporting, and sorry you are having this issue! Tom

    1. Sorry to hear you have run into some problems. Please report over on the forums, where developers and support will be able to respond. We’d also need more information on what you mean by “won’t load any more” – do you mean previous scenes won’t load? Or that Corona no longer shows as a render engine in C4D? We’ll also need to know which version of C4D, and whether this is Windows or macOS – if you could include that information on the report on the forums, that would be most helpful! Thanks! Tom

    1. As a more specialized feature (it’s not something most people will be using in most scenes), this hasn’t been implemented as yet – we work from the core features upward, starting with those that will be required most often. Since it is in the Corona core though, it can be expected at some point! Best bet is to post on the forums, where the developers will see the request, just to make sure it is registered that it is important to you – Thanks! Tom

    1. As a more specialized feature (it’s not something most people will be using in most scenes), this hasn’t been implemented as yet – we work from the core features upward, starting with those that will be required most often. Since it is in the Corona core though, it can be expected at some point! Best bet is to post on the forums, where the developers will see the request, just to make sure it is registered that it is important to you – Thanks! Tom

  4. Thank you guys for the effort you made for this new release!
    Where can I find the Corona node material system in R20? Do you have any tutorials yet or a quick explanation?

  5. I’ve seen Corona mentioned a few times, and coincidentally visited your site the day the C4D Beta 2 was announced, and I’ve just had a play.

    Guys, this is awesome!

    For now Im stuck using a Mac, with an OK CPU/GPU – getting back into C4D for Mograph, but the standard/physical has demotivated me. Corona has brought the spark back!

    It was much faster than I anticipated, and is definitely going to improve my workflow!

    The documentation is brilliant, and as I get a better understanding of the features it will be great to see how much Corona can evolve with my work.

    Thank you!

    1. Now that was a good day to visit the site! Glad you are liking the software, and finding it has brought back that spark – rendering ought to be fun and not a chore, it ought to be awesome to see your work and imagination come to life, and sounds like Corona fits the bill for you. Thanks! Tom

  6. Hi I love This engine very much i used it since the beginning,
    but i have an issue with the Cinema 4D Beta 2 release, for animation rendering after a couple of rendered frames the cinema 4d always crash, i tried Cinema 4D R20 and R19, the same thing happened, i rendered a different frames still happening.

    Now i get back to the Beta 1 release and every thing goes smooth and noting happen in the render.

    Cool Fox

    1. Hi! For bug reports (like crashes), please post those over on the forums – the development team won’t see posts here on the blog 🙂 We have a forum dedicated to bug reports for Corona for Cinema 4D at – please include things like which version of C4D, whether Windows or macOS, if it is every animated scene or just this one, steps to reproduce, anything specific about the scene (e.g. does it have rigged characters in it? Motion blur?), and if possible the scene itself is always good (there’s a private uploader if you can’t share the scene publicly on the forum post, at If you could report it there, that would be awesome! That’s how we can fix bugs and make Corona for C4D as stable as possible 🙂 Thanks! Tom

  7. Hi, Corona is awesome, I love this render … just one question, when final release is out, non beta, beta releases will stay free yet?

    1. Hi Liber! Glad you are enjoying it! No, the betas will not stay free – we will be looking into whether we can do a free version like we do with 3ds Max, but that was an Alpha version (so was before even Corona Renderer version 1). Since the Cinema 4D version is based on the latest and greatest core Corona code (Corona Renderer 3), it would be unlikely for that to remain free; perhaps an earlier release, the Alpha of Corona for C4D maybe, we’re not sure yet. Thanks! Tom

  8. I’ve worked 3ds but I’m starting to work in C4d. I’m tired of paying my annual income! It’s great that the Corona is on C4D !!!

  9. It’s a long awaited release! The best render engine I’ve ever used. Will there be native R20 node editor support?

    1. Sorry, things have been so busy here lately that it has taken a while to approve some comments! So long in fact that the final of Beta 2 is already out 🙂 There’s no support for R20 nodes as Maxon have not released an API for R20 nodes, and we (or any third party, for that matter) can’t develop for it until that happens.

    1. Sorry for the delay in approving comments – be sure to mention all crashes over on the forums in the relevant thread! Of course we already have the final of Beta 2 out now, so hopefully the crash cleared up. If not, the forums are the place to let us know, with full details (Cinema version, OS, Corona version, what you were doing when it crashed, the scene if possible, the bug report from the crash – the more details, the better!). Thanks! Tom

  10. Hi Corona Team , thank you very much for this wonderful render engine. i appreciate it’s ease of use , and the resources it uses are not as intensive as other engines and it;’s system requirements are not as high. I’ve been testing it , and great scenes i’ve created using it thus far and now that you have implemented a node based system , i’m more than happy to stick to it!… please add more functionality , and more nodes but thank you very much for blessing the art community with such a wonderful engine. Also Congratulations on your marriage to chaos group! Lol all the best and a wonderful future to you…

    1. Thank you for your comments, we are glad you are enjoying Corona Renderer! Yes, the marriage is a happy one, even after the honeymoon lol! Thanks! Tom

  11. With Vray4C4D going rental I went out on the look for a alternative and came past this. After a day with Corona I was quite pleasantly surprised. The skin and Hair are very nice, and its very stable and fast.

    I do hope you have a perpetual option for when its released as this would give many users who don’t wish to rent the ability to buy outright with a yearly maintenance.

    Another option for the future would be to add full support or Ornatrix.


    1. Thanks Danny, glad to hear you are enjoying Corona Renderer! The subscription model is one that Corona Renderer is based on – unlike other companies though, you do get your money’s worth as there are usually at least 2 updates to Corona Renderer every year, plus you get to test out the daily builds, release candidates etc. as we go and make suggestions for what should be included, improved, fixed, etc. For feature requests, like supporting Ornatrix, please post over on the forums where our developers will be able to track what people are asking for 🙂 Thanks! Tom

  12. Woohoo! I just installed today for R20 and am so happy. I have been a user for a year or so. Corona is so easy to get the hang of and the results are terrific and fast. The support for Substance is a big plus.

    1. Thanks Andy, great to hear you are loving Corona Renderer! Easy to use and get the hang of is just what we are going for 🙂 Support for Substance (and other non-Corona shaders) is important, we agree – and that works with our Node Material Editor too! Thanks! Tom

  13. A true powerhouse 3rd party render engine.
    Expertly crafted for simplicity, blazingly fast and competitive results

    1. Thanks Dave 🙂 Glad you are enjoying it, and it is always good to hear that the hard work has given the results we wanted for our users!

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