All posts by Tom Grimes

Andres Saarnak, product renderings for KEHA 3

We spoke with Andres Saarnak, of Saarnak Visuals, about how he started in 3D, founded his own company, and in particular about how he approaches product rendering, such as his work for the KEHA 3 catalog. NOTE – be sure to view the full-size images to appreciate the detail, as some of these are 5K renders!

Saarnak KEHA 3 product render 00

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yVR from You can do it! VFX

You can do it! VFX (YCDIVFX) have just released yVR, a multiplatform tool for viewing mono and stereo 360 renders – think of it as a kind of “VFB for VR”. We spoke with Artur Leao to learn more about the software, and the company behind it.

yVR setup with Corona from YCDIVFX on Vimeo.

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Lemons Bucket

Lemons Bucket are an Architecture 3D Visualization studio based in Madrid, Spain. Recently they tried Corona Renderer for the first time on their personal project, the Center for Cancer and Health (designed by Nord Architects). We spoke with them to learn more about them, and how these images were made.

Lemons Bucket Center for Cancer and Health 01

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REWIND: Rolls-Royce and Red Bull

2016 was a great year for REWIND, a content production agency working with bleeding-edge technology. We spoke with them about two of their projects – a 360 degree video for the Rolls-Royce 103EX car, and a global launch film for Red Bull Air Race 2016.

REWIND Rolls-Royce 103EX

Read more about REWIND, Rolls-Royce and Red Bull!
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The Making of “Morning After the Rain”

Back in December 2016, Shabeer posted his “Morning After the Rain” image in the Corona forums, which proved very popular in the community! We spoke with him to learn what went into making these photo-real images.

Morning After the Rain by Shabeer

Read how Shabeer created ‘Morning After the Rain’
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Corona for C4D Alpha 6 Final released!

Corona for C4D A6 final

We’re pleased to unveil Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D Alpha 6 final! We’d like to thank all of you for testing the release candidates and helping us identify and resolve bugs with both the Windows and Mac versions.

Quick Facts

  • Port to macOS: The port has the same features as the Windows version.
  • Based on Corona 1.6 daily builds: As well as incorporating everything from 1.5 for 3ds Max, the core is based on some of the daily builds released since then.
  • Simpler UI: Making it easier to find and use Corona features.
  • Interactive LightMix: Now working in C4D!
  • Image post processing: The core features such as bloom & glare, LUTs, filmic tone mapping etc have been ported over.

The main purpose of Alpha 6 was the integration of new features from the Corona core, and this meant rewriting a large part of the Cinema 4D version. With such a big rewrite, there were quite a few bugs in the first releases of A6, so it has taken a while for us to reach this final version with those bugs resolved!

Reworking the UI was another major part of this release. We are pleased to say that is complete and there will be only small changes needed between now and the 1.0 release – this means we can start to create help articles and tutorials now that no further major changes are needed to the UI.

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